June 23, 2021

Flex in MPO Magazine: Impact of 5G on Healthcare—A Medtech Makers Q&A

Flex in MPO Magazine: Impact of 5G on Healthcare

Smart connected medical devices, combined with AI and 5G, underpin a revolution in personalized, predictive, and remote health solutions over broad geographic regions. As medical device manufacturers, we have the ability to support the transformation of healthcare and patient experience by developing a deep understanding of these emergent enabling technologies and incorporating it into our solution ecosystem.

To provide greater insight on what 5G will likely mean to healthcare as well as medical device manufacturers, Jennifer Samproni, chief technology officer of Health Solutions at Flex, spoke with MPO about a number of factors. She addresses the adoption of the technology by both healthcare organizations and device makers, security concerns, and the array of benefits the system offers.

Check out the full Medical Product Outsourcing magazine interview, Impact of 5G on Healthcare—A Medtech Makers Q&A.

Tags: Medtech Connectivity 5g

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