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Attend Our Presentation at the HFES International Symposium in Orlando, FL

Written by Tristan Sedgwick | March 1, 2023

Connect with our Human Factors team, March 26-29, at the 2023 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care. The event offers human factors experts the opportunity to share knowledge and find solutions for issues and challenges in health care.

Register today to attend our presentation.

Tuesday, March 28, 11:00 a.m.-11:30 p.m. EDT

The Critical Role of Developmental Psychology in Addressing Generational Stereotypes Associated with Use of Digital Health Technologies

Grand Caribbean 4-5

Session: DH5: Development Approaches

Authors: Katrina Smith, Margaret Dowst, Laura Thomson


Digital health solutions are changing the medical landscape and people are embracing new technologies to manage their health care. As technology adoption increases, and new products are developed, older adults represent a substantial group of intended users. We must be cautious to recognize existing stereotypes and understand the vast levels of technological experience and engagement that exist.


When an individual struggles with a digital health app, is their difficulty rooted in an age-related cognitive decline or is it reflecting a lack of experience with an emerging technology? The implications for these different root causes may lead Human Factors professionals and Medical Device Designers to divergent solutions.


Usability testing in digital health can be informed by drawing from the established framework of developmental psychology. When Human Factors professionals and Medical Device Designers apply an understanding of the different domains of development (i.e., the physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional aspects of change over the lifespan), they are better able to articulate the usability issues that may present barriers that limit older adults' engagement in the digital health realm.


In this presentation we will explore:

  • Generational characteristics of digital heath users in their 60’s and up.
  • Common stereotypes and alternatives to using age as a proxy for factors such as technological experience.
  • How physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development may impact older adults’ engagement with digital health.
  • Use specifications for older adult users at different life-stages.
  • Assess implications for study design, execution, and HF documentation.